So earlier I was having my daily conversation with my brother, he usually calls to check in on his way home from work. Anyways, here we are having a normal ass conversation and some how my “situation” becomes the topic...I brought up setting up fire sticks and bam here he goes. Hitting me with questions that I have no answers to. Y’all got titles? You solid? Y’all got progress? And everything in between...I dead ass sat there full on lecture mode (don’t get me wrong I hella appreciate his continuous advice and guidance talks) but I was just like damn, maybe if he had been there when I told him I needed to talk a long time ago things would be different. People always say make changes and changes will come to you but some changes and adjustments are hella hard to make. I know that I am wasting borrowed time and that alone makes me chew my own brain out but you can not rush the universe or destiny. I know my better day is out there and I can only work hard to achieve it. But the point of this blog was not to bash our convo but to be like damn, cuz right after our long ass convo he said alright sis, I love you and I’ll talk to you damn bruh. You gotta leave me on a cliff hanger tho 🤣🤣 people please finish off a convo with a different topic before you say goodbye cuz damn that convo had me shook.
i know your reading this Bhaiya and I love you!