Over the years my circle had got smaller and smaller and I am a-okay with that, as the quality of that which I have is far more superior than having 101 people in your corner. Here’s a glance at a few people who I look up to and at for motivation, laughter, friendship, love and an indescribable vibe that you can’t find just any where.
Khylani, when I gained a niece I gained so much more! You are an amazing beautiful young lady and since day one I knew that you were something special.From the time you were born and I would come stay weeks on end at your house to hang out and take care of you I knew that you were so much more than a niece you were a friend. The summers that you would come to spend at Dadi's have to be some of my favorites because I was able to give you that joy that my childhood had. Helping raise you over the years reminds me of how much I want to be a mom and that I have much faith n the mother that I will be. Seeing you grow has been an amazing show of time and I can't wait to see your future growth, you will be forever my baby!
Lei, who would have ever thought that we would have went from classmates to family? You been rocking with us for so long since them CMMA days you are family and IDAF what somebody got to say. You have been so vital in my life and I don't know what I would do without you. You have been my Ace since day one even though you were originally Allen's friend. Where ever we need you, you are there, just a simple call away. When I like to overthink things you have a calming way of talking me down and make things so understandable. I love that we can go from shooting the shit to deep ass conversations. I have seen you grow and flourish so much over the past 18 years and I can't wait to see is in the next 18....hopefully with some babies!
Allen Bhaiya, yes our road of sibling-hood has been a journey, one for the books but it has also been enlightening as our bond has gone through so many changes and developments within our past 31 years. At times I wish that you were so much more but now looking back I was blessed with the man that you are. You thrive to be the best you and to break the standards and ways set before you. You are the vision of a father that man little girls lack and need. Your passion and drive makes me want to excel and be the best me. You are so much more than my brother, you are my friend. I love you forever and always and I am so proud of all that you have become and that which you have yet to achieve.
Tito Mamer, you are so much more than an uncle to me. You are often the father that I lacked in life, you take me as your own daughter rather than a niece and that is real genuine love. You are the first person that I call when I am in a tough situation or trouble because I know that you will be there. Having you a phone call or text away is always a relief because I know that we are not alone. When my dad wasn't there you stepped up and took care of us, opened your home and heart for us. You have helped grow a sense and need to grind in me and I will be forever grateful! I appreciate all that you do for us and the deen that you instill within us.
Moms, I could go on and on in post after post about you but in the shortest way possible you are my world. When Allah put me in your life he didn't just grant you a daughter, he granted you a friend and a protector because I will always have you. The things that you have been through in life and the thing that we have been through together strengthen our bond and I wouldn't have chosen any one else to go through it with. I know that life hasn't been easy but you have always taught us to never give up and keep fighting. We weren't from having everything to having nothing but you never let us see you break. I can honestly say that I am the woman who I am today because of you and I so proud of that. I can't wait to see where life takes me in the next 10 years and I pray to Allah that your end is no where close to now because I can't wait to shower you in love, with a home and grand kids!
Ronnie P, you have showed me a sense of love that I have lacked. You showed me a genuine love that I was able to return. You made the world around us realize the strength of a bond and a power of connection. You showed me that lines of strangers to family can be fused. You reminded me of my childhood and how friendships naturally develop and grow. You made my passion for teaching grow immensely and showed me that this is in fact my calling. You made my dream of having kids of my own touchable, you will forever be my child. You have taught me so much about life and the struggles while educating, loving and holding you up when it was my job to teach you.
Kelvin, you are a huge part of my circle because with you I have grown and learned so much about myself. When you came into my life I really wasn't sure of the purpose and now looking back at all of the moments of empty space and confusion I know that you came in to teach me some much needed things about myself and the world. You offer me a sense of physical safety and security where I feel like I can be my natural self with no judgments and you bring a side out of me that I have often kept to myself. I know that you aren't perfect but I love the bottom lining man that you are. You excel to reach greatness and the way that you love Kyrie makes me admire you even more. You show me and the world though we come from broken homes we can provide a different world and childhood to our children. You aren't one to throw in the towel when something goes wrong and you realize that you are human and it is okay to feel. You present me with a sense of journey, not sure how the route will go or what bumps will come along the way but with open communication and keeping it real I'm on that route with you.
My Ali sisters, I have seen you both grow before my eyes and helped with that growth, development, search for identity and self love. Boob you were my first ever little cousin who I was close to, you were my little doll and my shadow. Shamie you were my first child and he bond that we have will never be out shinned by any kids, because you were my first and forever will be. Over the years our bonds have been apparent and we have some of the best memories ever but as of this last year the 3 of us have come back together like in the Garden days and bonded much deeper than we have in these years between. The way that we can uplift each other and still give each other some must needed shits describes us to the T. I am so proud of the women whom you have both become and I know that often the roads leading towards your future are rocky but know that I will always be a rail long the way for you both. I can't wait to see our legacy in the years ahead of us, its going to be amazing. Thank you both for thinking of me as much more than a cousin but more of a sister.
Hi-Fee, who would have thought that one summer visit to an aunts house would result in me meeting a sister for life. Fee you are so much like me but so different, you are n extension of myself. You have showed me a different view of life and I appreciate you for everything. There is no bond or vibe similar to the one that I have with you out there in the world. We were destined to bond and become so close and its crazy how space between us made us so much more closer. I have seen you grow so much and I also proud of all that you have been through and fought through. I will be forever grateful for that sense of peace you gave me as you listened to me sob and make it back home to safety when I found out that my dad died even though you were on the other side of the sate. Its the little things that matter the most and you have shown me that time and time again. I know that times and situations get tough but I want you to know that you got it girl, anything that you put your mind to can be achieved, I wish you could see your beauty and worth from my eyes because you are top tier. You deserve the world and I can't wait till its your time!
G, you are so much more than a friend you are family. There is just something special about our bond and its been like tat since day one. You keep it real, educational, ratchet, meaningful, humorous and spiritual. You have always been in arms reach and a phone call away. The memories and experiences that we have together are all forever my favorite You are always down to do the random-est of the random and I love you for that. Thank you for causing me to think outside of the box and thrive to be the best me. I am so proud of your growth, strive and achievements and I know hat you can do any and everything that you put your heart into. Before quarantine started we made a list of things to do, once this is over I can't wait to make those things a reality. Thank you for loving me and uplifting me flaws and all!
Brina, though we are not speaking for whatever the reason might be I want to show my love and gratitude to you. We have been rocking tight since Sophomore year in high school and have been through the most. I remember the days where people would ask if we were related and we thought that it was because of the big lips and that for sure brought us closer and further apart from those times we wanted to kick each others ass in C hall Freshman year. I have so many amazing random memories with you and that's what makes our friendship so amazing! I will never forget the sound in your voice when you told me you were pregnant, the look of excitement on your face when you came t my graduation, the laughter in your voice when I would remind you about our crazy nights out. But most importantly I will always remember and be grateful for you being there for me when I needed it the most. You dead ass drove 3 hours to come be with me in Sac at 6 am to watch my dads body be cremated for 5 hours, you really stayed there in that room with me and made me feel at ease. I can't wait for the days for us to reunite and get back to where we were. I love you beyond words and I hope that with time you will reach out again one day....I still have hope