My blogging has been off for the past few weeks because I have been feeling under the weather. My job thought that I was just joking and still had me going into work but my body wasn’t having it. I started off burping really bad (and if you know me I am not a burping type of girl), that caused me to not want to eat or drink which lead to me becoming really dehydrated and feeling totally out of it. It went on to causing headaches, making me get really hot and wanting to sleep all day. I spoke to my doctor and he told me I may have acid reflux and that I was dehydrated. Thankfully I’ve been able to eat and drink more. But he also signed me up for a Covid test, and there were no appointments last week so I finally got it done today. Fingers crossed that I am negative. That test was so weird, thank God it didn’t hurt too much it was just really uncomfortable and the pressure behind not coughing while the lady was digging in my throat or to not sneeze on her while she was in my nose was so hard. I’m hoping to feel better soon so I can get back on my schedule of blogging, drinking my daily celery juice, taking my shots of Apple Cider Vinegar and drinking a gallon of water a day because I have for sure fallen off and my body knows it.
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