Sunrise: July 13th, 1957
Sunset: July 11th, 2017
Yet another year
without you by my side
phone not ringing
Facebook dry
questions of visits
I love yous
you make me proud
being called princess
not flying in by the boat load
as they have gone away
along with your flesh
now left as memories
Crazy how
in the moment
what you have is small
the little things blend
you forget to appreciate
that which you have
Yet when its gone
the importance is magnified
sad its not there
you miss it
since it will not return
it stings like 100 bees
then I remember
I was there with you
till the end
my soul
can sit in peace
Within me
you shall forever live on
everything you taught me
how could I forget
a love for sports
a love for new things
a love for music
a love for family
a thriving passion to
be true to myself
A stinging reminder
to never stray away
to stay put
no matter how hard
things get
it is us who draft our stories
with the way of God
if it wasn't the right path
we would not have
stepped foot upon it
I hope and pray
that our beliefs
for the life here after
are true
and we can meet
in the heavens above
may our actions on earth
ascend us into the joys of heaven
rather than plummet us
into the fiery
depths of hell
They tell us to love
and cherish
those while we have them
and I just wish
that I could have cherished
you just a little bit more
I love you today
just as much
as I loved you
everyday that I had
you with me
oh lord
what I would give
for one last goodbye
hello or hug
Always and forever, I will love you!