Thought I should start off the year with a look into what I hope to bring into the year, of course nothing can be planned out (and 2020 taught us that) but its always great to manifest feelings, thoughts and words that you want to carry along with you. My vision board is way different from any other that I have created but my main thoughts upon creating it is that 2021 will be out of this world amazing. I am manifesting this year to be amazing and creative not only for myself but for everyone.
Take a look at my vision board for the year:
I started off choosing to paint the canvas black because everyone has labeled the year 2020 as a hell of a ride so it was time to jump up from the darkness (even though 2020 wasn't horrible, just not as planned). And from there I knew that I wanted to contrast with white so I chose to add stars and from there I went into the direction of space and out of this world. I wanted to keep it simple and since I didn't have any magazines on hand I chose to just write in base words of things that I want to achieve, focus on and work on.
The 21 words that am I going into the world with are:
An explanation of each:
Home-make my home feel more like a home and continue on the path to own my own home
Dream-continue to dream big because no dream is too big
Positive-its so easy to find the negative in things so instead I want to find the positives
Love-self love, development of love, natural flow of love and just more love for everything
Live-more and enjoy the life that we have because we only get one
Manifest-the power of what I can achieve is in what I believe in and of
Smile-we need to find the beauty in things and take time to smile at the little things
Enjoy-remove stress from situations and just go with life rather than stress
Work-be happy with what I am doing, work hard at it and expand
Dare-to be different, to try new things, to push my own limitations
Photos-take more photos with people, they are amazing to look back at and great memory
Learn-learn new things, excel in school, learn new passions, be open to learn
Create-create greatness, aim to do more, make more customs, learn a new creative revenue, be bold
Time-life is on borrowed time so use the time that I get wisely and enjoy time rather than let it run past me
Faith-get further touch with my spiritual, believe in why things happen, trust in God more
Trust-break down walls and allow people in, trust that everyone is not evil, trust in intuitions and the normal pace of life
Books-write more and read more
Health-stay healthy mentally and physically
Future-work towards perfecting my future and all that is which to come
Grow-spread my wings, continue to grow and develop into the woman that I want and need to be
Believe-believe in all things, mostly myself and my potential
Did you create a vision board?
What did you add to yours?
Share your visions with me!